Alerta do Google - Delaware State

Delaware State
Atualização assim que ocorre 17 de janeiro de 2018
Seventeen Delaware artists are being recognized by the Division for the high quality of their artwork. Work samples from 124 Delaware choreographers, composers, musicians, writers, folk and visual artists were reviewed by out-of-state arts professionals, considering demonstrated creativity and skill in ...
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The measure has the backing of the state Department of Health and Social Service, House Majority Leader Valerie Longhurst, Senate Majority Leader Margaret Rose Henry, and gun control groups to include the Delaware Coalition Against Gun Violence. The Delaware State Sportsmans' Association, ...
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In these state health reports, Indiana is broken down into 10 districts. Delaware, Blackford, Jay, Randolph and Henry counties fall into the sixth district. The report revealed that of all cases in emergency rooms, 4.33 percent of patients in the sixth district were reporting an influenza-like illness. (These ...
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